As noted already, my job though it pays the bills and allows me the funds to collect is probably the biggest pain in my life. I do work in public safety, but fortunately it is behind a headset, a computer, and in a bomb proof building so I'm in no direct threat to get hurt. I work in a very populated, affluent county that has great financial perks, but like most public safety entities across the country; we are hurting for people. I have 14 years on, I'm over halfway to retirement, the benefits and pay are too good for me to leave so essentially I'm stuck. So today (Saturday), is my one day off in this two week span. I will be spending this day doing loads of laundry, organizing my collection, and getting some exercise in while I'm out enjoying Community Day on Pokemon Go.
On my way into work yesterday I stopped by my little post office in town to pick up a couple of bigger packages and a smaller TCDB trade. I made one big trade through a set builders group on Facebook, I bought a hobby box of 1994 Stadium Club Series 2, and I got one card through a small trade.
I'm working on 1980, 1981, and 1982 Topps set. I was able to secure over 100 1981 Topps needs. I got 2 needs for my 1982 Topps set which I only need about 10 more cards to finish. I also opened up the Hobby Box of Stadium Club.
I got a decent stack to organize, one first day issue, and a bunch of the rainbowish foils (one per pack). I got some nice players as seen above. I'm going to organize my TCDB account and add my missing to my needs. All of my duplicates I will add to my for trade list if anyone is looking to start the set.
This afternoon from 2-5 pm it is Community Day on Pokemon Go. Though I'm a grown ass adult, some of my coworkers play to pass the time so I have joined up with them. There is a big park down the street from my home that I'm going to walk through for a couple of hours to get some exercise.
As I'm typing this up this morning I got MLB Network on and I can't finish this post out without giving a shout out to Bruce Sutter. Though he pitched before "my time", he obviously had a great career and played for iconic franchises. He was a Hall of Fame reliever and a World Series Champion. RIP Bruce Sutter